Who are we

Claim Your Refund Today is a small group of expert government records auditors located in the US.

If you’ve received a call or a letter from us, we think we’ve found funds being held by the government that may be rightfully yours.

Our organization has been trained and certified as Tax Payer Refund Recovery Specialists by THE top attorney in this field and we know the “ins and outs” of government agencies in all states. If a government agency is holding your funds, we know how to get them!

Many times, the agencies holding the assets often have many specific conditions that must be followed for proving entitlement to the claim and submitting your request, so it’s always best to have professionals on your side.


Our Vision


We’d love to see you reclaim the funds we’ve found for you! What would you do with a nice, unexpected payday? In this economy (or any economy), who doesn’t need extra money? Let’s make sure the government doesn’t end up with it!

Most times these funds are held for only a brief period of time, after which the agency responsible for them may be permitted to seize them through a process called “escheatment.”

We believe private citizens losing their funds to faceless government agencies is completely unfair and we are determined to prevent this from happening to anyone, especially you.


Our Mission 

If a claim for your funds isn’t made in time, the funds often “escheat” (or go back to the government) to the agency holding them, meaning you can no longer claim them and the government gets to keep them.

It’s your money; the government shouldn’t be able to keep it from you.

Our mission is to ensure that this never, ever happens. We audit government files and documents for unclaimed funds.  When we find these funds, we make it our personal mission to reunite them with their rightful owner.